
Truly, Madly A Lucy Valentine Novel【電子書籍】[ Heather Webber ]





<p>Lucy Valentine is as smart as can be, as single as you can get, and so <em>not</em> qualified to run a matchmaking service. But when her parents temporarily step down from the family business, Valentine, Inc., it's Lucy's turn to step up and help outーin the name of love.</p> <p>Plus, her rent is due.</p> <p>Here's the problem: Lucy doesn't have the knack for matchmaking. According to family legend, every Valentine has been blessed by Cupid with the ability to read "auras" and pair up perfect couples. But not Lucy. Her skills were zapped away years ago in an electrical surge, and now all she can do is find lost objects. What good is that in the matchmaking world? You'd be surprised. In a city like Boston, everyone's looking for <em>something</em>. So when Lucy locates a missing wedding ringーon a dead bodyーshe asks the sexy private eye who lives upstairs to help her solve the perfect crime. And who knows? Maybe she'll find the perfect <em>love</em> while she's at it…in Heather Webber's <em>Truly, Madly</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:947円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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