
So You Joined A Gym...Now What? Step-by-Step Instructions & Essential Info That Truly Simplify How to Plan Your Best Gym Workouts, Including Sample Workouts!【電子書籍】[ Linda Burke ]





<p>In this fifth book of The Now What? Fitness Series, certified personal fitness trainer Linda Burke delves into working out at the gym.</p> <p>"The Media often leaves you confused, ill-informed, or even worse: completely scammed or lied to with offers of quick fixes, magic potions, or crazy contraptions promising unrealistic results," cautions Burke. "With obesity rates higher than they’ve ever been, and aging baby-boomers growing more concerned than ever with their health, it's high time someone shed some light on this very convoluted subject."</p> <p>Explaining how to train at the gym in a concise and simplified manner makes for a book that helps the reader truly comprehend the fact that doing a safe and effective gym workout is a viable option. Burke goes on to explain how to structure a great cardio and strength training workout you can do in any gym, including compound and isolation exercises that will make your workouts more effective. She covers topics such as the importance of warming up, flexibility training, what to wear and gym etiquette, as well as how to safely implement all the essential components of fitness into your gym routine.</p> <p>This book breaks down how to train in the gym into comprehensible concepts, including practical sample workouts, giving anybody who truly wants to change their health and their lives in profound ways the tools and knowledge to do so.</p> <p>So You Joined A Gym...Now What? gives you essential information and step-by-step guidance so that you can structure your workout and confidently navigate the gym in a way that will deliver permanent results for a healthier, happier life no matter what your age or fitness level.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:335円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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